use std::{io::Cursor, sync::Arc};
use freya_core::{
plugins::{FreyaPlugin, PluginsManager},
use freya_engine::prelude::Color;
use freya_node_state::Parse;
use image::io::Reader;
use winit::window::{Icon, Window, WindowBuilder};
pub type WindowBuilderHook = Box<dyn Fn(WindowBuilder) -> WindowBuilder>;
pub type EmbeddedFonts<'a> = Vec<(&'a str, &'a [u8])>;
pub struct WindowConfig<T: Clone> {
pub width: f64,
pub height: f64,
pub min_width: Option<f64>,
pub min_height: Option<f64>,
pub max_width: Option<f64>,
pub max_height: Option<f64>,
pub decorations: bool,
pub title: &'static str,
pub transparent: bool,
pub state: Option<T>,
pub background: Color,
pub icon: Option<Icon>,
pub on_setup: Option<WindowCallback>,
pub on_exit: Option<WindowCallback>,
pub window_builder_hook: Option<WindowBuilderHook>,
impl<T: Clone> Default for WindowConfig<T> {
fn default() -> Self {
pub struct LaunchConfig<'a, T: Clone> {
pub window: WindowConfig<T>,
pub embedded_fonts: EmbeddedFonts<'a>,
pub plugins: PluginsManager,
pub default_fonts: Vec<String>,
impl<'a, T: Clone> Default for LaunchConfig<'a, T> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
window: Default::default(),
embedded_fonts: Default::default(),
plugins: Default::default(),
default_fonts: default_fonts(),
impl<'a, T: Clone> LaunchConfig<'a, T> {
pub fn builder() -> LaunchConfigBuilder<'a, T> {
impl LaunchConfig<'_, ()> {
pub fn load_icon(icon: &[u8]) -> Icon {
let reader = Reader::new(Cursor::new(icon))
.expect("Cursor io never fails");
let image = reader
.expect("Failed to open icon path")
let (width, height) = image.dimensions();
let rgba = image.into_raw();
Icon::from_rgba(rgba, width, height).expect("Failed to open icon")
pub type WindowCallback = Arc<Box<fn(&mut Window)>>;
pub struct LaunchConfigBuilder<'a, T> {
pub(crate) width: f64,
pub(crate) height: f64,
pub(crate) min_width: Option<f64>,
pub(crate) min_height: Option<f64>,
pub(crate) max_width: Option<f64>,
pub(crate) max_height: Option<f64>,
pub(crate) decorations: bool,
pub(crate) title: &'static str,
pub(crate) transparent: bool,
pub(crate) state: Option<T>,
pub(crate) background: Color,
pub(crate) fonts: Vec<(&'a str, &'a [u8])>,
pub(crate) icon: Option<Icon>,
pub(crate) on_setup: Option<WindowCallback>,
pub(crate) on_exit: Option<WindowCallback>,
pub(crate) plugins: PluginsManager,
pub(crate) window_builder_hook: Option<WindowBuilderHook>,
pub(crate) default_fonts: Vec<String>,
impl<T> Default for LaunchConfigBuilder<'_, T> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
width: 600.0,
height: 600.0,
min_width: None,
min_height: None,
max_height: None,
max_width: None,
decorations: true,
title: "Freya app",
transparent: false,
state: None,
background: Color::WHITE,
fonts: Vec::default(),
icon: None,
on_setup: None,
on_exit: None,
plugins: PluginsManager::default(),
window_builder_hook: None,
default_fonts: default_fonts().to_vec(),
impl<'a, T: Clone> LaunchConfigBuilder<'a, T> {
pub fn with_width(mut self, width: f64) -> Self {
self.width = width;
pub fn with_height(mut self, height: f64) -> Self {
self.height = height;
pub fn with_min_width(mut self, min_width: f64) -> Self {
self.min_width = Some(min_width);
pub fn with_min_height(mut self, min_height: f64) -> Self {
self.min_height = Some(min_height);
pub fn with_max_width(mut self, max_width: f64) -> Self {
self.max_width = Some(max_width);
pub fn with_max_height(mut self, max_height: f64) -> Self {
self.max_height = Some(max_height);
pub fn with_decorations(mut self, decorations: bool) -> Self {
self.decorations = decorations;
pub fn with_title(mut self, title: &'static str) -> Self {
self.title = title;
pub fn with_transparency(mut self, transparency: bool) -> Self {
self.transparent = transparency;
pub fn with_state(mut self, state: T) -> Self {
self.state = Some(state);
pub fn with_background(mut self, background: &str) -> Self {
self.background = Color::parse(background).unwrap_or(Color::WHITE);
pub fn with_font(mut self, font_name: &'a str, font: &'a [u8]) -> Self {
self.fonts.push((font_name, font));
pub fn without_default_fonts(mut self) -> Self {
pub fn with_default_font(mut self, font_name: &str) -> Self {
pub fn with_icon(mut self, icon: Icon) -> Self {
self.icon = Some(icon);
pub fn on_setup(mut self, callback: fn(&mut Window)) -> Self {
self.on_setup = Some(Arc::new(Box::new(callback)));
pub fn on_exit(mut self, callback: fn(&mut Window)) -> Self {
self.on_exit = Some(Arc::new(Box::new(callback)));
pub fn with_plugin(mut self, plugin: impl FreyaPlugin + 'static) -> Self {
pub fn with_window_builder(
mut self,
window_builder_hook: impl Fn(WindowBuilder) -> WindowBuilder + 'static,
) -> Self {
self.window_builder_hook = Some(Box::new(window_builder_hook));
pub fn build(self) -> LaunchConfig<'a, T> {
LaunchConfig {
window: WindowConfig {
width: self.width,
height: self.height,
min_width: self.min_width,
min_height: self.min_height,
max_width: self.max_width,
max_height: self.max_height,
title: self.title,
decorations: self.decorations,
transparent: self.transparent,
state: self.state,
background: self.background,
icon: self.icon,
on_setup: self.on_setup,
on_exit: self.on_exit,
window_builder_hook: self.window_builder_hook,
embedded_fonts: self.fonts,
plugins: self.plugins,
default_fonts: self.default_fonts,